Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Plus All Thiel owners. Time and Phase Aligned. 1/4" with a tape or 1/16" with a laser ; Not Subtle Differences.

Best to All on this Journey 
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Jafant,thanks!Its nice to talk to people who can relate to his hobby and that have similar equipment!I am using a xpa 5 with my 3.7's instead of my xpa 1 monos.I made the change because of ease of use for the family.While I don't think there was a big difference going from monos back to a 5 channel,I didn't a/b the change.Do you think you still get good sound from a 5 channel amp with the Thiels?
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