Suggestions on Better Server Setup than Mac Mini

I'm using a Mac Mini as my server, with Audnirvana and external Ultra Fi Dac, which sounds great when it runs, problem is what with apple updates, software issues, connectivity glitches, the system is a pain to use. 

Suggestions on what would be easier to use, potentially sound better and wouldn't cost more than $2k to upgrade?

I am not familiar with ultra Fi but you could switch to a more reputed DAC

Chord, Benchmark, Bryston, NAD, Schiit or Holospring

there is s nothing badly wrong with the Mac mini and iTunes - like most computers you get crashes from time to time. Chrome browser was a problem for me on the MAc Mini but on a PC it will be something else....
I'd stick with the mini as you may need to convert every track on there - dunno how many you have but I have in the 20k range

you could try to find a more reliable player - some are buggy

do you have DSD or is it all Redbook?

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@cdc2 .. many of us have dumped our computers for dedicated streamers. There are some very good options at every price point. IMO a streamer is a more elegant solution. After years with a Mac mini based audio system I bought a Bluesound Node 2. It’s been over a year now and I’m still very happy I went down this road.