Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Bought a pair of JR 149's in the summer of 1977 and I recently got them back to their original home..great speaker based on the LS3/5A concept...always loved them...For the past 5 years I've owned Merlin TSM MMs and just moved that pair to the analog room and added a newer pair of TSM MXEs into the main system...guess I liked the original TSMs so much that I wanted a newer pair..Velodyne DD15 fills in the low bass with the MXE system...PSB woofy in the MM setup...it's all good and clean fun
rockports...anything that you can afford.

they do nothing wrong (ie no sins of commission). where they may make mistakes is in sins of omission (high frequency extension, 20hz rumbles ,etc).

well worth the effort to check out.
Anything made by John Fuselier. I own a protoype speaker calles the Darth Vader they are to die for.
I have two, my acoustat spectra 33 stored and my currently used and continuously modifying ESS heil 1D. I have found the ESS as the volkswagon of loudspeakers. You can modify so many parts to it as long as you keep at least the main drivers. Adding ess heil and tweaking the crossovers or even replacing them is also an option. I decided tweak the crossovers with dakiom stablizers and adding newer ess woofers and removing the passive radiator. I am now adding a THIRD ess heil driver as a linesource stacked. with TWO, the sound is unbelievably real as if the musicians are there with the right kind of equipment matching. In my case an integrated tube amp and a tube cdp. I plan on putting it even in another level by stacking 3 ESS HEILS. If you're an ESS fan, it's worth stacking the ESS heils if you can afford it. As much as i love planars and electrostats, a modified ESS heils to me is the most enjoyable I have ever owned. I have magnepans, acoustats, eminent tech, ohm acoustics, SLS, srslabs, klipsch, sunfire, bic, advent, dbx soundfield. I collect speakers. So far I have found my modified ESS as the most revealing and most realistic live sounding loudspeaker I have ever experienced. It blows away martin logan's and others in my opinion. My modified ess is awesome. It can handle power and the bass are super realistic and the mids and highs are so real, you think the vocalists and instrumentalist are in front of you.
I listen to my KEF 105/3s since summer 1990, i've swapped electronics & cables many times, but that captivating sound at the showroom was coming from those kef's and i wasn't giving up til i got it. when I finally achieved audio nirvana it was almost disapointing as my quest was done. still in 2004 i decided to replace them but after several home speaker auditions i found nothing could best them in my price range, so 21 yrs & counting.