Hello Ralph,
The noise is a bit difficult to describe. It's similar to a 60 cycle hum, with a sort of "buzz" in addition to the hum. Strangely, when my home theater setup is on (Comcast DVR, Primare SP 31 HT processor, Sony HDL display), when making changes on the Comcast remote, the noise abates momentarily during the sequence of time the button is being pushed. I know this sounds far-fetched, but it happens.
Erik, Ralph, I appreciate your responses, thank you.
The noise is a bit difficult to describe. It's similar to a 60 cycle hum, with a sort of "buzz" in addition to the hum. Strangely, when my home theater setup is on (Comcast DVR, Primare SP 31 HT processor, Sony HDL display), when making changes on the Comcast remote, the noise abates momentarily during the sequence of time the button is being pushed. I know this sounds far-fetched, but it happens.
Erik, Ralph, I appreciate your responses, thank you.