DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks

Hey all,
For my digital front end source components I am currently using the DCS Vivaldi stacks which include : Vivaldi master clock/streamer unit, Vivaldi upsampler unit, Vivaldi DAC unit, Vivaldi CD/SACD transport unit. They sound and perform phenomenally well and have great sonic synergy with the rest of my equipments. 

But I'm thinking to make a switch to the Esoteric Grandioso stacks : G1 master clock, D1 monoblock DAC, P1 CD/SACD transport, to see how these Esoteric would stack up against my DCS Vivaldi stacks in my system. I'm using the Dan D'Agostino Momentum analog linestage stereo preamp and the Dan D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps (2 pairs) in bridge mode. My speakers are Wilson Audio Alexx. Speaker cables, interconnects and power cables are Transparent Opus. 

Has anyone get to compare the DCS Vivaldi stacks up against the Esoteric Grandioso stacks? 
I would be eager to find out how the Esoteric Grandioso stacks would sound in my setup especially in direct comparison to my existing DCS Vivaldi stacks. We don't have a single Esoteric dealer in our area so I have no way to demo the Esoteric Grandioso especially in the same setup as the one I have at home. I would love to give the Esoteric Grandioso stacks a try in my own setup at home. I've read nothing but outstanding reviews on the Esoteric Grandioso stacks, so I thought I might want to give them a shot. The Grandioso D1 DAC is monoblock configuration. 

Your advise, inputs and opinions will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

folkfreak, thanks for the info. I realized there are only couple Esoteric Grandioso dealers in the US because the Grandioso line is quite a bit more expensive than other Esoteric lines or series. I live in Seattle, WA. I might have to contact them to see if they will loan me the Grandioso G1 master clock, D1 monoblock DAC, and P1 CD/SACD transport. Actually, our DCS Vivaldi CD/SACD transport was based on the modified Esoteric Grandioso CD/SACD transport.
But I will be more intrigued with the Grandioso D1 monoblock DAC units and how it will compare against my Vivaldi stereo DAC.  We'll see. 
Or I might just stick with my DCS Vivaldi stacks. 


This is going to sound like sacrilege but I would keep what you got digitally. 

In reality you can get way better electronics and cabling and that is what I would recommend you look at if you are itching to make a change. 

Yes the Dgastino stuff looks fantastic and does sound good, but there are many industry insiders that are not bowled over by Dan's stuff, we have heard this same setup at shows and were not impressed, it is very good hifi but pales in comparison to some of the other reference lines of electronics currently on the market. 

If you want to hear amazing electronics listen to Gryphon or T+A, add a really fantastic non current limiting power conditioner, such as what Audio Magic makes, and look at Enklein  or Tara Labs cabling and I think you would be amazed at how much closer to real music your new system would come compared to the old. 

We did a interesting demo of a $120k Krell Master Reference Amplifier vs a T+A HV 3000 power amp and power supply $32k for the pair and they crushed the older Krells, yes those are older Krell designs and yes Dan has moved on with some faster output devices and switched mode power supplies but the design of the MRA was the best that Dan could build and in comparison spec wise was was on another planet compared to his new stuff.  In terms of many amplifiers the Krell MRA was the ultimate beast of a Pure Class A power house amplifier, with only the largest Boulder amplifiers today that are the clone of those amplifiers. We have always found the Boulders to be a little on the dry side for our tastes.

Again this is only our opinion, but until you dare to question some of your choices you might not know if you are on the right track or not.

That same client was also using Transparent Opus and the Enklein cabling was better. 

We are also not saying you shouldn't try an Esoteric stack if you are that curious, you should ,but again perhaps making some of these other changes might work even better for you. 

We would also argue just because Wilson uses brand x y or z at a show doesn't necessarily mean that is in reality the best pairing, sometimes politics is behind some of what you hear at shows.

So perhaps different electronics might be an even better thing to change or perhaps not your call, 

Troy and Dave 
Audio Doctor NJ>

audiotroy, thanks for the advises.

I don't have any T&A dealer in my area. We only have dealer for Dan D'Agostino, Ayre, MSB , Audio Research, Linn, Naim, Classe, McIntosh, Musical Fidelity, Devialet, Rega, Arcam, NAD, Rotel among others. We don't really have that many selections and options here.

Reach out to Ivan over at audioaficionado. He runs the site. He has the full stack at his house in MA, and he’s a dealer. 
Caphill, thanks for this inquiry--it's fun to read a discussion about this level of gear because few have addressed every system detail as you have.  If you had said you were not satisfied, the Zen response, "If you are not happy with what you have, you will not be with what you want" may have appeared.  Since you say you are only curious, though,  I would think a dealer would come out personally with a set for you to try--or at least send by white-glove courier.  Did I read somewhere about rubidium clocks guaranteed accurate--at least prior to shipping?  I guess I would even drive for a day or two to pick them up at that price--would love to hear your in-home review of anything you would try--can you describe what you are hearing at present?