Just Ordered New Speakers

I just put the order in for a pair of Golden Ear Triton Reference Speakers. I was able to get the first production run which should be shipping sometime in May. They will replace my Triton 1 speakers which will be moved upstairs to my secondary system. Presently I have Triton 2 in my secondary system, so those will go on the market once my new speakers come in. I bought these without hearing them, but since I already own both the 1 and 2, I am positive I will love them. They all have the GE house sound which I like very much.

Now the long wait and anticipation begins

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My salesman called GE today and spoke with Sandy, the man himself and was told my speakers should arrive at the dealer on July 16-17th. The dealer will deliver to me that day or the next. While I wish it were sooner, the end is near.
I received email from Sandy at GE tonight stating my speakers are being shipped to the dealer tomorrow.  I am hoping to get them by this weekend, keeping fingers crossed.
Finally got the call from the dealer that my speakers are in!  They will be delivered tomorrow afternoon.