Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Fun thread. I have to mention Snell Type A or AII. Owned them once, stupidly sold them, and after many other speakers came and went (B&W, ProAC, Spendor) I finally went back. I am a midrange freak and like a full lower mid without the suckout most speakers have. The Type A's are voiced perfectly for me. The midrange is more realistic than anything I have heard. Best of all you can find them used for $500-800/pair, and they dust anything under $7k to my ears. Peter Snell R.I.P.
Peter Snell R.I.P., indeed. The Voecks-designed Snells were good, too; I still have a pair of Type Qs that I bought in 1990 and have kept in mint condition. I use them with a Velodyne subwoofer. Prior to that, I had Mission 770 Freedoms (with the dome tweeter, not the elliptical horn-loaded model), and before that, I had ADS L730s and ADS L520s. These aren't "audiophile" loudspeakers, but they sounded pretty accurate in my listening room, particularly the Snells.
My all time favourite speakers were the old Futon Premiers. Alhough quite large they managed to put at a "you are there" sound with ultra high imaging and proper tonal balance. Tremndous headroom and and band with this speaker had the amazing ability to reproduce a big sound stage and felt at home is all varieties of music. Few people will ever realize how great these units were.
I've had my Magnepan SMGa's since July of 1990 (almost 22 years). They have been back to Magnepan for re-wiring once. For years I powered them with a Rotel RA820BX3 integrated amp. About 5 years ago, I upgraded to the Rotel RA1062. After all these years, the bass output has actually increased (a guest asked me if I had a subwoofer).
Just picked up a set of SPICA Angelus $600 Wednesday,they are great speakers from what I have read/heard. The seller told me he replaced the woofers and tweeters with Celestion DL6 drivers but I did not care because I have a set of Audax tweeters to pop in if I ever need to.