Upgrade from Rega Elys 2

I'm fairly new to the game - system includes a Rega P3, MoFi phono stage, Rega Brio, and Dynaudio Excite X18s. Essentially a desktop system. Looking for a possible upgrade from the Elys 2 cartridge that came as a package deal on the P3. Trying to stay around the $500 mark and wanting suggestions. Thanks. 
My thinking exactly. Upgrade the table and then move from there. Cartridge is the least important element, within reason, of table/arm/cartridge/phono set-up. I use $375 ( from the UK ) Goldring 1042 MM cartridge with Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm table and AcousTech phono and feel no need to upgrade the cartridge. I would upgrade the phono with a great tube unit if I could, though the AcousTech is very good.
As the P3 is brand new, I can't justify a complete replacement at the moment. The suggestions, however, are duly noted inna and schubert. 
I see. I would suggest then to stay with MM cartridge. Rega Exact would be a logical step up, Nagaoka 500 may be an excellent if expensive choice.
The Nottinghams are slick-looking and may be on the list of upgrades in the future. The problem is I'm in the central US, they're a UK company, and auditioning such a beauty would be near-impossible. 
As far as I know, there is only one distributor/dealer in the US - Hollywood Sound in Florida. I talked to Larry, the owner, a few times but don't know how he sells outside his area. He really likes Nottingham and strongly prefers MCs with them. Problem is that good MC are expensive and require better and quieter phono. I cannot justify paying, say, $1500 for top of the line Goldring MC or close to $2000 for Lyra Delos, as examples.