What are you using the SSP-100 to scale? I tried to let is upscale the Component signal from my SA 8300HD cable box, and it looked miserable.
That may be because it had to go from component to HDMI out of the Halcro, and to up-res from 480a to 720p. MY TV and cable box, both do this conversion better than the Halcro.
Can you share your positive experiences? I would love to get better scaling from my cable box.
What are you using the SSP-100 to scale? I tried to let is upscale the Component signal from my SA 8300HD cable box, and it looked miserable.
That may be because it had to go from component to HDMI out of the Halcro, and to up-res from 480a to 720p. MY TV and cable box, both do this conversion better than the Halcro.
Can you share your positive experiences? I would love to get better scaling from my cable box.