Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Makcer9,Maybe you should post this in the classified section.This is an ad,not a response to the post!
B@W Matrix 800 give me the best sound. Funny looking but what a sound stage. it does everything right
Outstanding topic! Well, my first love was the Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater, which I could not afford but could definitely build. Over the years, I have also enjoyed LS35a's, Quads, B&w's, Lowthers, Klipsch's, Lamhorns, Braun's, KLH's,Verity, and so so many others. As a 50-something with both building and listening experience, I urge you to try out the extremes on this see-saw of speaker experience. In other words, try out the often strikingly expensive single speaker models like the Lam or AER or whatever...alternatively, the also crazily expensive multidriver models like the Verity Parifal. Or, if you are as lucky as I was, try out those speakers on the used market. I have both Klipschorns and Lamhorns, and have owned Parsifals for a number of years before selling them at no loss. I won't attempt to describe the nuances of each. But I will say that I still own both 1979 Klipschorns modified with drivers and crossovers, and also the early Lamhorns with violin varnish on Lowther speakers. I sold my Verity's, against all logic, but I like the sound of low power tubes the very best.
A vote for the ATC speakers. Many many years in the market have seen only slight changes in design philosophy. The famous custom build soft dome mid range still is among the best money can buy.

Referencing your 9/15/12 post, I was finally able to acquire a pair of Wright Sound WPA 3.5 SET monoblocks to pair with the Altec 846A Valencia's. I now see (hear) what all the fuss is about with zero feedback flea powered amps! I've been playing jazz and vocals and the bass produced by the Wright-Altec pairing is more than I had anticipated. A lot of "air" around instruments and lots of detail. The music is more palpable, textured and visceral.

A whole new world! I'm liking it!