Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I'm with Simao, above. I don't know that my Reference 3A De Capo i/A's (which I recently upgraded with the new, Beryllium tweeter) are my forever speakers but they're awfully good and I'm happier with them than with any of the many other speakers I've owned. A classic design, and with good reason!
I am the original owner a pair of very early appogee full range speakers.their dimensions are 801/2"x35"x4"
serial no. is 1115 purchased new in 1985. I replaced the factory x-overs with a levinson Lnc-2 with the correct modules and slope.I run the bass panels direct ( bypass the impedance matching transformers )but I use the normal inputs for the mids and high ribbons.. I use a pair of 1985 levinson ML-3's ( one ML-3 for each side).I find that these speakers are really difficult to space properly but when they lock in the sound and image are easy to live with. They have gone back to have the ribbons replaced and the internal wire was also upgraded after hurricane Andrew did some damage to the ribbons.I built custom wood cases to transport the speakers. they each weigh 300 lbs.with the interface box.
The ML-3's are placed directly behind each speaker using cables that are less that a foot long.
I have used this arrangement for 38 years and I have had no issued with the speakers or the electronics. I will keep this set up as long as it continues to serve me so well.
I have moved to a different home 3 times during that period
and each time I took apart the speakers and packaged them up in the wooden crates. I was very careful and had no problems with each move.Each speaker still looks like new!
Ronniec15, I too had a pair and really think they were great, but, of course, Appogee moved on. I sold mine to a guy in Houston and lost contact with him. They were among my many different speakers as I switched between horns, ribbons, dynamic drivers, etc.

My last several speakers have been dynamic drivers with special tweeters. I suspect that with my BMC Arcadia speakers, I will stick with them for a long time.
I discovered Chartwell LS3/5A 15 ohm speakers from Steve and Ray of Pro Musica in Urbana Il. along with the phono unit tube preamp and tube power amp the system remained the same until I purchased a pair of Spendor SP-1s last year. Adds a new phrase to my listening. willmagic606