best matching full range speakers for sx880 pioneer (60W rms per channel)

advice for decent full range
Nostalgic is nice and dreamy while thinking
Performance and sophistication is preferable when listening
 you make the choice.
If it matters a 30 year old pair of properly set up Vandersteens 2Cis about 500 bucks will smoke all your dreams into a great listening expierience.
Best ,
Thanks guys for your helpful comments i m thiking about the ADS  i like soft sound instead of JBL its highs are really high .
on the other hand new cheap bookshelf speakers with new materials and wonderful crossover have better sonic signatures but need a sub to complete the full range anyway i dont like subs or the "2.1" system but with my budget maybe push me to do that
As a new owner of a pair of 30 year old 2Cis, I concur with Johnny R's assessment. I'm now tempted to hook up my SX-680 to these speakers just to see how they sound.....
Kalali i m very excited about your next experience hooking Pioneer receiver and the Vandersteens 2Cis let us know and Thanks