Recommended HDMI DVD players for music and movies.

I am trying to put together my first serious HT system. So I would appreciate any recommendations about any mentioned gear. Speakers will likely be Monitor Audio RS8 Silver 5.0 speakers, with probably the new Adcom GFR-700 receiver. Any sub woofer recommendation would be great as well. I am considering a B & W ASW 750. Room is around 17x17x8 with good acoustic properties. As you may have guessed, I am trying to stick to spending a reasonable amount of money on a good system. Hence, no seperates for now. I also do not want to sink mega bucks into a DVD player right now , when there is a format war taking place between HD-DVD and Blu-ray. So, I would like to get a good new or used HDMI DVD player that wont break the bank. I probably listen to music about equal the time I spend watching movies. Although I am not locked into any of the gear mentioned, I can get the afore mentioned gear easily and at reasonably modest prices. Thanks for your input.
I've seen the Oppo and was pretty impressed with its picture . However, I ended up with a Sony 975, as it's upsampling through HDMI was in the same ballpark, and it's additionally quite good with CDs for the price---and also plays SACDs as a bonus. Others like the Panasonics as well, but if you're using it as a CD source I'd recommend the Sony.

For subs, I really like the RBH, but they're big and tall. Good with both music and video. That said, square rooms can sometimes play havoc with standing waves. I'd also consider a dipole sub, but they need to be away from the wall.
Look at the Pioneer's, Best over all for music video sacd dvda ect. Most important is they work with almost any TV.
I've got the Arcam DV 137 on my own wish list, which is officially priced at EUR 2000,- in Germany. If that is not way in excess of what you want to spend, make sure to take a very close look at this multi-talent (also sacd + dvd A).
I use the pioneer DV-59AVI. You probably can't find a better universal player anywhere near the price range.