I wish I had a device that would delay lowering my TT arm

I love spinning records, but I wish I had a device that would delay lowering my  TT arm until I return to my easy chair about 8 feet away from the turntable.  I always miss the  the full effect first couple of bars of my favorite music. Do any of you see this as an issue?  Can any of you suggest an answer?  Maybe one of those remote control small motors that you can get at a hobby shop coupled with a rig that would lower the lever on the VPI Classic or similar TT?  Thanks.
I have a manual TT. It is well calibrated and serviced - it takes almost 10 seconds for the arm to descend. Change your damping fluid on the arm control lever to something thicker.
Thanks, Shadorne.

Wow, you are prompt!!!!!

I don't believe, however, that the VPI arm uses fluid to damp the arm control lever. It seems to be a friction device only.  Is there anyone who can tell me I'm wrong.  I'll check with my dealer or with VPI when life doesn't get in the way.
What are the drawbacks to putting the TT next to the listening chair? It's what I want to do when I dive back into analog. 

Okay, longer interconnects which may mean a linestage, I guess.

But hasn't isolation technology gotten to the point where the TT can be in front of the speakers?