Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
After 40 years of upgrading speakers in my sound system http://arcamadeus.simplesite.com/305336804
I think that my new System-Audio Mantra 50's are going to remain in my system for LIFE!
Arcamadeus, with 53 years or more in this hobby, I too conclude that my BMC Arcadia speakers will be for life. Of course, that may not be for long. I'm still having fun.
Rogers Studio 1, purchased new in 1983. 30 years on, and I still love the way they sound. Every upgrade in my gear has allowed them to reveal more and become more musical. I may move on one day, but that day isn't today.
You are a brave and honest person. I don't think it's a weakness exploring...I also enjoy the smorgasbord, but am in box dynamic speakers...I have been concerned about ribbon speaker tweeters, the silk is still the answer there for me.
I have had problems in the past with most ribbons as most designers don't marry them properly from what I've heard. The Legacy speakers (current) have done a pretty good job. I think I may be sensitive to coherency from top to bottom. I used to love the Apogees back in the day, but I thought they lost their magic when they were mated with their subs. I have never liked the ML speakers either. I do like Maggies, unless they are mated with subs. I'm not a sub guy for the most part. Bass is the most expensive part of the speaker. There are a few companies who make musical and coherent speakers that dip into the mid 30's or lower and they sound awesome.

There is a reason many choose a speaker for life if you would, but WHY?? What are you sensitive to? Do you care about a full range speaker? Can your room handle it? Staging, imaging, pace, rhythm???? Why are you keeping your speakers for life? Thanks.