Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Hi Mark, I have the crossover set at 38HZ. This seems to be the best for my speakers in my room and system. I have also tried 43HZ and 41HZ for a few months each. But the winner was right at 38HZ.

My subwoofer can be set as low as 22HZ and I find that most of the upper model Rel's all van be set at these levels. Rel subwoofers are made for supplementing the sub-bass range for large speakers that can already go low in the bass.

Take a read of the January 2014 issue of The Absolute Sound. Rel's new R-528 SE just maybe what you are looking for. Its a "Sub Bass System" made for large speakers and can make organ recordings produce room lock in your system. I went out to hear it and the article was exactly was what I experienced. Therefore, if I was to upgrade it would be to this current model. Have fun! I did. Thanks, Joe
have subwoofers come that far that you can really integrate them and not 'hear' them? I've never heard a sub that integrates fully, but I haven't listened to a system with them in years. Do you use two? I would assume that's the only way to do it as it can be directional no matter what some folks say. I really am interested in everyones thoughts on this. Bass is the biggest thing that separates a 5k speaker from a 15+k one imho. thanks.
The most impressive speakers that remain unforgettable and, therefore, if I had them I would hang on to for life are (no particular order):
Sonus Faber Electa Amator
Sonus Faber Ellipsa
Artemis Eos Signature with Bass Modules
ProAc Response 3.8
ProAc Supertower
Joseph Audio RM33
Joseph Audio Pearl
Quad ESL 988
Vandersteen 4
Gallo Reference 3.5
Dynaudio Special 25
These were the best in their particular areas, that I've ever heard.

The one I boughtÂ….Dali Euphonia MS 4. Narrow baffle, svelte, nice casework, good bass, fantastic top end, great midrange, nice imaging. Fits in a medium room well. High WAF factor.
Very interesting list. We have a similar ear I think.

Sonus Faber Electa Amator- Agree
Sonus Faber Ellipsa-Agree
Artemis Eos Signature with Bass Modules-One of my fav's along with Sonus Extrema's
ProAc Response 3.8- Loved listening to them at my friend's store
ProAc Supertower- I have owned for years and am finally letting them go if anyone wants them, lol
Joseph Audio RM33
Joseph Audio Pearl
Quad ESL 988- Loved these both times I heard em
Vandersteen 4- Love the new ones BEST ;) (getting Treo's)
Gallo Reference 3.5
Dynaudio Special 25
My Dear friend : There is no such a thing as perfect speakers or perfect amp or pre amp or cd player. They all have positive and negative points. I have 4 different sets of speakers and the all sound great but not perfect. It is the art of matching with the res of your system .