What are the most outrageous speakers reviews you have ever seen?

A serious disclaimer before starting this lighter thread...

I feel sorry for the professional reviewers, who need to walk *the* fine line when publishing his $0.02 (you know what I meant).  However, any individual could comment freely with flying colors.  

Please let me start KEF Blade, which is not Prime eligible:

(from that site's reviewers)
1) 5 Stars: It's a good thing that the speaker cabinet is ported, because at 34K I'm never going to be able to afford a girlfriend!
2) 5 Stars: So instead of paying for college i chose these. Greatest decision of my life. Who needs a future when you have a pair of speakers.
3) 5 stars: These speakers are great. I just picked them up yesterday and they sound amazing! It was so worth getting evicted out of my house just for these! Who needs a car or house, I would just get these! 10/10 would buy again.

What are the most outrageous ones you have seen in public?

My personal review of Martin Logan speakers:

1. Panels have electrostatic charge of nearly 4kV during playback so possibly after 12 hours of listening Bach CD box set, you don't have to make love to your wife anymore and so you don't have to worry about tipping her either.
Nothing to feel sorry about. Most audio reviews aren't worth more than a passing glance. Glorified advertisements.

Sometimes the reviewers will reveal the flaws of the previous model only when the new one is released. Think Magico.

I still remember the review of the top of the line Raidho in TAS. The world's best speaker, as long as you stuff a sock in the port.
All of them? *L*  When you get comments like that, it does point out a perspective that does bare some contemplation....;)