Best 2 channel for under 300?

i was wondering what would be the best 2 channel reciever i could get for under 300. i now have a nakamichi re10 whcih is pretty good. but i feel like i need something a little more. i am powering a pair of snell e III's, again what is the best way for me to has to be under 300
Viridian, I've been wanting to listen to the Maven since I love the sound of the Mambo integrated. But the original question is for receivers under $300; even discounted, this is 3x that limit.

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I'm going with the Jolida integrateds. Yes, no tuner, so you'd have to add that. Still, the sound is going to be infinitely beyond any $300 receiver.
Yeah, won't see me buying any $300 receivers anytime soon. Can't go back to that soundlevel
Viridian got it right. HK is the way to go, no question. I owned one, and it's great for what it is.