Experience with Bluesound Node 2 use with external DAC

I am very impressed with the Node 2.  So far my use of the Node has been with it's built in DAC.  It sounds great.  Since I don't own an outboard DAC I have had no other choice but to use the Node's DAC.  It is hard to fault it's DAC at any price much less the $500 price of the Node.  That being said, I realize there are alternatives out there than can improve upon the built in DAC.  I am at a point now where I am curious to hear what an external DAC may have to offer in terms of sound quality.  For those of you who are running a Node through an external DAC, what would you recommend and what type of improvement have you experienced vs DAC in the Node.
What's unusual about the Codex is the lack of digital coax input and you need to use the optical port which is generally less desirable, at least based on what I've read. I'm assuming that's how the Node 2 was connected to the Codex since as far as I know Node 2 does not have a USB output port. As for the OP's question, I have used a Cambridge Audio DACmagic Plus with Node 2 using the digital coax output port and I didn't hear much improvement. I now just use this DAC with my CDP which does make the CDs sound a lot better.
@kalali - have you tried a better power supply on the Dacmagic?

I had the original DACmagic prior to my Bifrost and it responded very well when I replaced the power supply. but even with its tweaked power supply, the Bifrost provided better SQ overall. .

The other piece of the puzzle are the IC’s you used to connect everything. If they are not "GREAT" cables then you will not really hear just how good the Node-2 (or any other component) really is

The improvements I hear t this level of performance are image, dynamics and clarity (i.e. venue acoustics)

As far as Optical Input - a good cable again will improve performance - one of the best value cables I have is from DH Labs - it provided a huge improvement over the Chord and Van den Hul cables I already had.

BTW: I agree about the lack of SPDIF RCA input on the Codex - a bit strange in light of the many negative comments about Optical interface performance issues

Hope that helps
williewonka, I looked everywhere for the aftermarket power supply that was at one time available for the Cambridge Audio DACmagic but couldn't find one. I'd appreciate it if you know how to find one. Someone mentioned about changing the Node 2 power cord and I completely agree with their assessment. Definitely a worthwhile upgrade. I'd also read somewhere about putting some weights on top of the unit to dampen resonances but haven't tried it yet. Sort of makes sense I guess.
@kalali - you can simply go into ebay and search for "12v DC linear power supply" - I found lots to choose from and most of them had nice looking construction using toroid transformers.- raniging form around $70-$150

All you might have to do is attach the right power connector

Cambridge Audio will tell you it is not advisable - because they want you to buy the next component up their chain, but getting a new power supply will improve the SQ a great deal.

I had the previous version with a 12v ac supply - so I simply put a good transformer into a case - no DC component ot mess with.

Hope that helps - Steve
@gdnrbob - I just re-read your comments from an earlier post

  As, I said, when Johnny played music first through the Bluesound and then the Codex, the difference was instantly perceptible. The Codex sounded alive.
On second reading I realized this was an in-store audition, which makes a whole world of difference when assessing components,
- mainly because in the store they tend to use the stock power cable/supply that comes with the component.
- why? mainly because the do not know any better most of the time
- or they do not have the time to experiment, especially with lower priced components
-  PLUS - they want you to buy the better sounding, higher priced component if they can demonstrate it "effectively"

So based on my observations while using best quality power cords on everything - I'm left wondering if the improvements of the Codewx would be as noticeable if good cables were used on both these units?
- I'm sure the Codex would have still sounded better, but having good cables on the Node 2 might have narrowed the distance between them?

I've come to a point where I take my cables with me to audition a product.

Just a couple of weeks ago I took in a power cable to assess the Bluesound Pulse Mini... 
- with the stock cable it was "OK sounding" but the bass was a little muddy and distorted on a couple of bass heavy tracks
- with the better power cable there was a whole new level of clarity and control - the bass tightened up considerably and the distortion was no longer present either - it sounded like a much better unit
- and the look on the sales person's face when he heard the improvement was pretty amusing also.

Even when I purchased my latest speakers I took my amp, power cable and speaker cables to the store - I was happy - and they got their sale :-)

I've found that improving the cables and power supplies of components in the "budget end" of the spectrum can reap some very surprising and pleasing benefits and elevate their performance considerably 

Whereas components that have better power supplies do not provide as much of a significant improvement because they are already operating close to their highest level.

But - all components do benefit from great cables. 

I'm not knocking audio stores and their sales approach, because most stores I go into are not even aware of the benefits of great cables - after all,  they are there to sell products - not play with them.

There are stores that sell great cables, but trying to sell a $400 power cable for a $600 component might seem absurd - to most people :-O

So, it's up to people like me to try stuff that may sound a little "off the wall"

Just tryin' to maximize my investment :-)
