The underpinning is that a ’fact’ is a name, a moniker, a logic misnomer... for a highly predicable theory. But it remains theory.
The use of the word ’law’ in science is also an attempt to put social and cultural group pressure on individuals to conform or be punished by the group. At least this is part of the traditional meaning of the use of the word law. Thus we can see the the word law remains as being in the world of human social/cultural structure and in the supposed world of logic, has zero place in the world of science.
So we can have the word law in the world of science, if we are looking to prosecute people and possibly kill, ostracize or beat them to death, in public, for ’violating’ laws. Which, according to the tenants of science, is patently absurd and against the very fabric of science and what it is supposed to stand for.
But the word works very well in religion. Is science with laws -- a form of dogmatism?
> Let me guess. You’re an English major? A Drama major? A Religion major? But seriously, it is not really too difficult to demonstrate to anyone that the world is flat, that the speed of light in constant in the universe, or that there are black holes in the center of most galaxies, including ours. Of course if one’s mind is closed it makes it more difficult. It is also fairly easy to show that there was (almost certainly) a Big Bang, that the universe is around 14 billion years old, that the universe is expanding, that there are gravity waves from colliding black holes, There are such things as truths and facts in science. Why pretend there aren’t. Are you trying to be Juror #10? "You can’t prove it!" Man discovers or uncovers reality of the world and universe around him by observing, theorizing, experimenting, by mathematical or experimental proof and/or by weighing the preponderance of evidence. And by establishing Laws and theories that he believes govern phyically reality. Some theories like atomic theory is evolutionary in the sense it is ever getting more complete and more complex.