Bass distortion-Playing LP's only,,,,please help

VPI Prime----Ortofon Black Quintet (low output moving coil cart)-----Plinius Koru Phono Pre( loading at 20 ohms/gain at 66 db)-----Parasound Halo Integrated -----Martin Logan Montis speakers which have powered bass cabinets.

Using any other source component I have absolutely no issues. When I play an LP and increase the volume past 10 O'clock which is a little loud....but not ridiculously loud-I at times get this huge wave of bass distortion. I do have bass controls on the Montis's...and I have turned them down into the negative, but I still get what I previously described occasionally. 

Any and all help would be appreciated. This doesn't always happen, but its frequent enough to drive me crazy.

Thanks in advance.


OP, personally, I would tend to explore the rumble filter option last rather than first.

Have you tried messing with the sub-woofer bass contour controls? Mine are 4.5ft from the front wall but I still need a sizeable bass cut to avoid overwhelming the room. :)

The added benefit is that it stops the spikes and panel bolts from vibrating loose! ;^) :D

I think it’s a given that you probably visit the MLC website but if you do there will be plenty of good advice there as well.

Good luck!

I can also add my praise for the KAB Rumble filter.  I had a horrible time with my McIntosh turntable thumping on certain LP's.   The KAB Rumble filter totally eliminated the problem and made all of my LP's sound better.
Where is turntable placed?
When placed in corner I had rumble.
Mid wall no rumble.
Bass builds up in corners.
your answer is a pair of Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums please check out for sale on audiogon the seller can provide any size to order at discount prices. All you need is your speakers footprint and weight for the correct size and load cells you will be gobsmacked i will add some links to reviews over here in the UK they are definitely the answer unless your equipment is faulty.
Check out Townshend Audio Website for reviews, i use the big Sound lab Dynastats i could never get the bass right until i put them on the Seismic Podiums the results are jaw dropping , you can buy from audiogon for sale pages good luck you will not have any further bass problems and you will hear your speakers like never before.