All good here thanks jafant. Hope it’s a good summer for you also.
Oblgny I totally agree with you that it’s worth the rebuild fee and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.
The nice thing about the Aleene’s repair is twofold really. First it allows me, or anyone else for that matter, to save up rather than have to unexpectedly cough up the money up front or load a credit card. That said, had the Aleene’s not worked so magnificently I wouldn’t have hesitated to send them to Rob immediately. Interestingly, Rob says that as the rebuilds are measured against a reference it isn’t necessary to rebuild both, but I’d just feel happier doing that.
The other thought in my mind is that presumably Thiel rebuilds won’t be around forever, so it’s good to know this nearly free repair can, in some cases, provide a solution to keep them singing.