Devialet for Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Speakers

Does anyone have first-hand experience / suggestions using Devialet with Wilson Audio Speakers?

I have a pair of WA Sasha 2 Speakers in a 20' x 26' Room, with good acoustics; I'm considering the Devialet 200, 220, 250 & 400 Models - all have SAM (DSP) Processing for the Sasha 2.
I hope this helps. We were a fomer Devialet dealer and so we have a lot of experience with their products and we did have the 400 watt mono blocks.

We do not sell Wilsons we do sell quite a number of great speakers including the Kef Blades, Dali Epicon, Polymer Reserch, Paradigm and a few others.

We were searching for a reference solid state line for a few years, we had the Chord electronics with the Blades and  the Chord electronics on the Blades were fantastic, we lost the line due to not making some sales quotas. We then moved to the Devilets and we found the line to be both good and bad. 

The Good: non existant noise floor, great bass, great features, great senese of drive and near limitless power.

The Bad: non musical, technocolor hifi, lack of body to the sound, ultimately more impressive then musical, sounded good on some speakers not good on others, ultimately more sizzle then steak. 

We then read about the T+A electronics from Germany in an Absolute Sound Review, where Allan Taffel was comparing a $19k T+A integrated amplifier to a $120,000.00 stack of CH Precision separate components and was having difficulty telling which was which. T+A PA 3000 HV and MP 3000 HV | The Absolute Sound

So we thought if this equipment was that good and was that reasonably priced then that would be an exciting line of equipment to represent.

Long story short we got the gear and it blew us away, it was as dimensional as the Chord gear,was a bit warmer in the midrange and has a similar sense of speed and articulation, it was also better made and more stylish then the Chord gear with better features and with a lower overall cost.

The T+A gear shown on our best speakers, the Polymer Audio Reserach a $68k ultimate reference loudspeaker which uses the best drivers ever made the Acuton pure Diamond tweeter and midrange, in a 300 plus pound all metal composite cabinet, with sillver internal wiring and inductors and to date we have found their components to work well with many other very high end speakers including the Paradigm Personas, and Rockports and Genesis planer speakers to name a few. 

We have compared these products to many of the most expensive and exotic components and when compared the T+A usually is considered to sound nearly as good or better then most components which range in price from 2 to 5 times as much! 

Check out the Positive Feedback review of the T+A HV 3100 integrated which was compared to a $45k Dagastino integrated.

" the PA 3100 HV ($21,500) quickly reminded me of my two favorite integrated amplifiers, the D'Agostino Momentum ($45,000) and Vitus RI-100 ($13,200). 

"The overall tone, timbre, and performance of the PA 3100 HV fell somewhere between the Vitus and the D'Agostino. In my system, the Vitus was always very close to neutral with plenty of speed and detail along with a magnificent amount of muscle and authority in the low end. The D'Agostino was no slouch in bass performance, but what stood out for me was an additional fine layer of rich harmonics and a wonderful sense of liquidity."

The PA 3100 HV exceeded the Vitus in terms of blunt power and slam while yielding almost the same rich timbral purity of the D'Agostino. The best of both worlds? These three are so close that I would be very careful with system matching before making that final call. Needless to say, the PA 3100 HV can compete with the very best.

Previously we tried the Thrax elctronics which were excellent, the Devialet, Monos, a $40k set of CJ amplifiers, and a few others.

Another gentleman on the forums purchase a $11k T+A amplifier not from us lives in a different state, with his Sashas and is thrilled by the sound. and he compared it to the Pass and Prima Luna tube gear.

The T+A gear drove his WIlsons beautifully the $11k R Series integrated 2500r is 140 watt 8ohm, 280 4ohm and 560 watts into a 2ohm load which means the difficult impedance of a Wllson speaker will not bother this amplifier.

This is some of the most impressive gear on the market and will drive your Wilsons really well.

Right now they only have a handful of dealers as they are working on building out their dealer network, they may be hard to find right now but really worth seeking out, if you are on the East coast, please give us a call.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ.

I just read one of your other posts about budget, the $19k HV 3000 might be out of reach but boy is it good.

The R 2500 would work wonders for you, we had one on display for awhile and it was one of the most remorable integrated amplifiers we have ever had in the shop, and we were Luxman, Hegel and Esoteric dealers. 

The 2500R has an engaging quality that is just fantastic it is also reasonably sized and weight, and doesn't run hot. 

As we mentioned in the last post drives Wilson's really well as it can go down to 560 watts into a 2 ohm load. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Dave and Troy. Once again---we who value this forum beg you----stop selling your gear here. Of course you think your gears are the best and you can point to opinions expressed in The Absolute sound to bolster your opinions. So can just about every other high end dealer in the U.S. who sells gear that has gotten great reviews. Let's see---that would only be about 100+ dealers selling scores of highly regarded amps. Tip to poster:
Mac will be a bit sleepy with Wilsons (I know, I've had a number of Mac Wilson combos). Pass Labs has great amps but you will need more current than the model you cited. The Rowland Continuum S2 is a fabulous bargain and should drive the Wilsons well with the right combo of current, power and musicality. 
As usual Gpgr4blu you are protecting the sanctity that no one is asking you to protect.

No 100 plus dealers don't have a product that has gotten reviews like the way T+A's products consistently do, where can you find a review where they compare a $120k bunch of separates vs a $19k integrated and found them nearly the same?

Yes over the years we have all seen glowing reviews of products that get great reviews, but we have never seen reviews where the reviews are basically stating that one brand is competing with other brands a 2 to 5 times the products price, have you?  

 If you read the Positive Feedback review the reviewer there,  Mr. Yourman finds the $21k T+A integrated is in the same very high level of performance as a $45k Dagastino Integrated.

So yes if you like paying a lot more money then CH Precision and Dagastino  and Solution,  makes much more sense. 

We have tested T+A vs $120k Krell amp and the T+A was better, as well as comparing the T+A to MBL and many others. 

Perhaps Allan Taffel and Mr. Yourman in Positive Feedback again are just imagining that this companies products are so good to compete with the best brands on the market and usually do so at a fraction of the price.

In the case of this gentleman, another poster Musicfx, purchased a T+A 2500R over the Pass labs amplifier and has mentioned on other posts that he is very thrilled at the sound and build quality of the 2500 R integrated and he has the Willson Sashas! 

Perhaps you should actually read the reviews and find a dealer to listen to these products for yourself. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Dave and Troy. Once again---we who value this forum beg you----stop selling your gear here
When you say "we," for whom are you speaking? I think everyone should be able to post their opinions here - within the forum's guidelines, of course.  It's then up to each reader to determine the value of each contributor.

It's not for you or me to police the forums, @gpgr4blu. If you truly think a post is inappropriate, you can click the "report this" link to alert the moderators. I have found them to be quite responsive.