hifipf9 posts07-22-2015 6:10am
May I ask the amplifier that was used on both Harbeth SHL5 and SHL5 Plus when you had them?
I have lived with the SHL5 for more than 5 years now. A recent upgrade from the Naim NAC 202 and NAP 200 to the NAC 282 and NAP 250 had caused the sound to be a tad warm. I could actually live with the bass of the speakers but I want a more extended top end and an overall leaner sound. Reading your comments above it looks like the new Plus may be the ticket? A less fuzzy midrange with more snap would suggest that the midrange is more in focus and sounds leaner. A treble that is clearer and more extended may render the predecessor to have rolled off highs in comparison. In short, all the traits you have mentioned above are things I am looking for.
I have had both plus and original SHL5.All things being equal the difference I hear are as follows:
1) top end a bit more extended and clearer. Enough so that older model is more forgiving.
2) midrange a bit less fuzzy and a bit more snap.
3) bass is where the Plus benefits MOST.Tighter which address a bit of bloat that would a times be present on original SHL5.
4) drivers are more coherent as a result of improvement’s.
I will not comment on imaging or staging because those aspects are too subjective.
Next stop 40.2. BIG FAN
May I ask the amplifier that was used on both Harbeth SHL5 and SHL5 Plus when you had them?
I have lived with the SHL5 for more than 5 years now. A recent upgrade from the Naim NAC 202 and NAP 200 to the NAC 282 and NAP 250 had caused the sound to be a tad warm. I could actually live with the bass of the speakers but I want a more extended top end and an overall leaner sound. Reading your comments above it looks like the new Plus may be the ticket? A less fuzzy midrange with more snap would suggest that the midrange is more in focus and sounds leaner. A treble that is clearer and more extended may render the predecessor to have rolled off highs in comparison. In short, all the traits you have mentioned above are things I am looking for.