Bluesound Node 2 as DAC for CD player?

 Hey y'all,

I recently picked up a Bluesound Node 2 and have to say I am extremely happy with my purchase. Prior to this, I was streaming Tidal via Bluetooth to my Rotel RDD-1580 and have to say the Node 2 is superior in every way.

With this said, I'm contemplating the necessity of the Rotel DAC. If I'm streaming 99% of time and only occasionally want to spin a CD, couldn't I use the optical out on my CD player and the optical in on the Node and do away with the Rotel?



I don’t know for sure, but if the Node 2 has a Toslink/3.5mm input, there is probably a way to select it for playback. Why else would it be there?
The "Optical Input" or "Analog Input" option is only seen on the main screen once the appropriate cable is plugged into the Node 2. I use an Apple TV (gen 3) this way with the Node 2. 

Good information. Didn't know the Optical Input option was enabled when the cable is plugged in.

wtf, how do you use the Apple TV with the Node2?

@kalali .. I connect the ATV3 to the optical-in as mentioned of course. This makes the Node 2 AirPlay "compatible" in a bastardized way. It's more for my convenience really but I do use it.