Looking for cartridge recommendations (after a 20 year hiatus)

Due to jobs, travel, and multiple moves, my system has been in storage or simply not set up for over 20 years. The only original parts that I've kept are a Music Reference RM5 Mk III preamp and a Well Tempered Record Player. Looks like new speakers will be KEF LS50 Wireless. Other priorities have taken over, so I'm only looking to spend about $250.00 for a cartridge and my main concern is that I HATE bright sound. I still have a Shure V15 Type IV which I could simply re-tip and I also have a Denon DL110, but I assume I'd have to replace that entire thing after all these years.

So my question revolves around these 4 choices:
1) Buy a new Jico stylus for the V15, which would only cost me about $150.00.
2) But a new DL110 for about $210.00 on Amazon because from what I remember, I liked it. But that was with a Krell amp and Proac speakers, so I guess relying on that memory probably isn't relevant for the current situation.
3) I still have a Grado 8mz body and I have seen the new stylus for that for about $150.00.
4) Start with something new, in which case I was considering a Clearaudio Concept V2 or a Shelter 201. Those are strictly based on reviews and nothing else.

Curious what seems to be out there nowadays that has a slightly warm, but not dull sound and tracks fairly well. No need to recommend a Blue Point of any kind because I do know that when I had one of those, I hated it. I also have seen many reviews that tend to say that the Ortofon and Audio Technica lean towards bright, so those probably wouldn't be the best choice for me. I would say that, if I had to choose, "listenability" to me is much more important than "accuracy".

Any suggestions and input would be greatly appreciated.
You ate describing a Demon 103. Get it nodded so that you loose the plastic body and your sailing down vinyl road with a big smile on your face.

The Demon 103 done right plays with the best of them.
I would go with the Shure, or if your amp can  handle MC low input, the suggested Denon 103 cart, which is without a doubt the best under 300$.