SP-10 Mat

I have an SP-10 with a Micro-Seiki copper mat. Now that my system is dialed in in terms of room acoustic treatments and speaker placement I find the Micro-Seiki mat to be a bit too lively but outstanding in terms of dynamics and soundstage. The stock rubber mat is too dull and bloated.

Could someone suggest a mat that falls in between the two, leaning more towards the copper mat sound than stock but less forward in the midrange and treble.
Another mat you might want to try is the TTM mat and oil filled clamp. That is better than the CU180. More refined sounding. The cu180 by itself is probably the second best thing to the TTM. I have not had the opportunity to try the cu500. 
Thanks Misha. I am content now :-)

I am afraid I have zero interest in the pigskin TTM mat.   I tried the Jico leather mat and it softened transients.  They may to a good job in systems needing some refinement.

 . Using a clamp does a similar thing to the life in music. I own an Orb record flattener, so all my records are flat. All my clamps sit alone being unloved.

   I want to hear the full transients and life in music and the cu-180 does that. I have finished ny search for platter interfaces.
There is a seller on eBay that sells replicas of the MS CU mats, I have bought over 30 of them from him in various configurations, including custom made mats for my DN308 builds and DP6 / 7 builds too.

Below a link to a current listing, no affiliation other than being a satisfied customer.


here a link to the Custom DP 6 / 7 platters in action


and finally a link to the DN308 14" platter in action 


I too greatly prefer the sound produce with a Copper platter over any rubber mat.

Good Listening


Downunder, the TTM is not pigskin. It is thick stainless steel. I think you have it mixed up with some other mat. Very heavy and comes with its companion oil filled clamp. The mat itself can be tuned via the 3 Allen bolts. I believe it is called TTM monitor mat.