Your choice - TT, Arm, Stage, Cartridge - $5000 budget

So imagine you were just given ~$5000 and told to buy your ideal analog setup within that budget.

What would be your choice for turntable, arm, phono stage, and cartridge be? Any other accessories to consider?

How would you spend it?

Obviously I’m looking to upgrade my analog setup and am focusing on the essential components at this time. Curious how you would spend my money haha.

My current gear:
Amp - Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated w/ KT150 power tubes, Mullard and Cifte preamp tubes.
Loudspeakers - Tekton Design Double Impact

For sound,I like the idea of a balanced overall sound, and a big soundstage. But what I really enjoy most is the idea of exposing the holographic image in a recording.

Sorry, I didn't catch that they can't ship overseas. The way around it is that you have friends or relatives in the UK. Or if you were going to visit the UK soon. You could try, theoretically speaking, some hi-end places in Japan. But..
Anyone knows anything about The Cartridge Man cartridges? Reviews are quite impressive.
Anyway, VPI Prime or Nottingham Spacedeck you'll get an excellent table. The phono stage.. most people who use tube amps use tube phono as well, there are also some who use tube phono with solid state amps. Sutherland or Allnic, as an example? How can one know for sure without comparing in the same system? Or maybe not better or worse, just different. 
I have collected vinyl for 47 years, lots of it used, and VPI unipivot arm is the way to go. Amazing how it tracks any slightly warped lp. A record cleaning machine is a must in your future budget.  Current setup is Scout 1.1 (though I would love the Prime), Soundsmith MIMC Star (my 2nd Soundsmith cart), Chinook phono stage (upgraded tubes, lots of flexibility, big soundstage). Should be an easy get for 5k. Rest of system is PL Prologue Premium Preamp and PL Dialogue Premium power, and ML ESLs, all upgraded tubes. Very content with the analog front end - for now!
P.S. agree with earlier post about younger guys getting great vinyl collections from us older guys one day. Trying to get my CDs and vinyl into Discogs now. What a project!
Cartidge’s are priced differently all over the world on a what the market will bear basis .
Sellers are well aware that Americans tend to judge on a more expensive must be better basis
which is not the case in most places .