Top integrated with MC phono section

Looking for a top integrated that has an outstanding MC phono section.  I love tubes but would also open to solid state.  Budget $10,000 - $15,000 new or used.  Anyone heard the Audio Research Gsi75?  Gryphon Diablo?  Open to suggestions!
If it's as good as the one in my Luxman L-505u, then it's difficult to beat. I wouldn't be surprised if it was better.
Do Accuphase and Allnic have it?
If you got used to an excellent separate phono it would not be easy to match it if at all possible. I know that you know it.
Gryphon, VAC, Allnic, Accuphase and Luxman are quite different, without listening to all of them with your speakers how would you choose?
For me it would be either Gryphon or VAC or Allnic, I guess. I only consider high end tube Japanese amps.
Inna, Allnic is one to look at thanks.  It would probably impossible to hear each with my speakers.   Phono section in VAC Sigma 160se is rumored a killer.
LKV Research makes a real nice Integrated with enough power to drive alll but the least efficient speakers. 160 watts per channel. One of the better solid state integrated amps out there. Costing barely more than their entry level phono stage, you get all of the love there plus a decent line stage and good quality amp all in one box.