Top integrated with MC phono section

Looking for a top integrated that has an outstanding MC phono section.  I love tubes but would also open to solid state.  Budget $10,000 - $15,000 new or used.  Anyone heard the Audio Research Gsi75?  Gryphon Diablo?  Open to suggestions!
LKV Research makes a real nice Integrated with enough power to drive alll but the least efficient speakers. 160 watts per channel. One of the better solid state integrated amps out there. Costing barely more than their entry level phono stage, you get all of the love there plus a decent line stage and good quality amp all in one box. 
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bobheinatz, I heard the GSi75 in a dealer showroom hooked up to a pair of Focal speakers, not sure about the model but I think they were 1038be. The system sounded incredible as one would expect but I'm sure a lesser system could have impressed me as well since that combination was significantly better than what I have at home. You should audition whatever you decide for yourself. You're making a sizable investment.  
Used Dart cth-8550 is within your budget. I preferred it to the Luxman 590ax in my system at the time.

For Vac, would wait until iq version comes out.