Clearthink, You wrote, "A microphone converts sound to an electrical signal by employing the use of a diaphragm. A cartridge is actually a tiny electrical generator that uses a stylus/cantilever to create the signal using a magnet and coil and the stylus/cantilever is excited NOT by sound but by the motion of the stylus/cantilever in the record groove!"
Cartridges may not be (identical to) "microphones", but they ARE "microphonic". In your zeal to insult Raul, you have gone off the track. If you doubt me (or Raul), try shouting at your cartridge when your phono system is activated and phono gain is present. As microphones, cartridges are less efficient than actual microphones, but they are very similar in concept. Both depend upon physical excitation to convert mechanical energy into an electrical signal. They are more alike than different. Also, cut back on the caffeine; that may help.
Cartridges may not be (identical to) "microphones", but they ARE "microphonic". In your zeal to insult Raul, you have gone off the track. If you doubt me (or Raul), try shouting at your cartridge when your phono system is activated and phono gain is present. As microphones, cartridges are less efficient than actual microphones, but they are very similar in concept. Both depend upon physical excitation to convert mechanical energy into an electrical signal. They are more alike than different. Also, cut back on the caffeine; that may help.