Schiit Mani - Sent in for repair, no response. Looking for rec's on a replacement preamp

Hi Everybody - first time posting here.  I've run into a serious issue with Schiit.  My Mani ran into a hardware issue (dead left channel).  I mailed it to Schiit on July 3rd, they received it on the 10th and emailed me confirming they had received it and would get back to me in a few days, but to no avail.  I've emailed them a couple of times and just called their number and no response.  I'm getting the feeling I'll never receive my Mani back at this point and I'm not sure if I have any legal remedy to get them to respond (at this point, I don't understand why they didn't just send me a replacement unit). 

So I started looking for a replacement phono preamp.  I have a VPI Prime mounted with a Nagaoka MP-110. Budget is set at 500ish. Any recommendations that will wipe the floor with that piece of schiit?

Thanks in advance,


consider a Croft
torroidal transformer
point to point wiring
tube rolling
under a grand new
a gem used

i run the R version in a system of pretty high end stuff and feel no need to change....
you might want to give Schitt a chance
his book is excellent read by the way
I'll second the recommendation to save for a used chinook.  I have a steelhead in the main system and its wonderful.  I have a simaudio 110lp in the second system and its good for the money but nothing near the steelhead. You will upgrade at some point, why not jump a few steps?
If you're happy with the sound you're getting from the Mani, then I'd sit tight and wait. I've always found the lads at Schiit to be super dependable. It's summer. People take time off.

You will always find something better when you spend 10x more $$'s.
I had my Schiit Yggdrasil DAC in for repair just 2 months after its purchase. They got the job done right (it’s worked for 2 years now), but yeah the process can take several weeks, and they clearly don’t want to talk about it or hold hands.

You have a VPI Prime; it’s a damn shame to pair that up with a $100 phono. The Schiit hype can get out of control and distort perceptions; sure it may be competitive up to a few hundred bucks, but it’s gonna get clobbered by any stage befitting that table. Take the advice of the others here -- yes, Chinook, Simaudio, whatever. Rogue Ares is great too (own it); possibly also the Triton at half the price. Any of those and more over the Schiit! Look at the inside of the Mani; it’s a child’s toy.