Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering

Like many of you, I have been pondering purchasing these speakers but am very curious about the unusual tweeter array. I asked the smartest speaker person that I know (he is a student of Sean Olive) about the design and below is what he had to say.   

"In theory it could work, but the driver spacing means that the crossover point would need to be very low.
He is using the SB acoustics tweeter which is 72mm in diameter, center to center on the outside opposing drivers is around 5.7 inches, which is about 2400Hz. This means that combing would stop between 1/4 to 1/2 of the wavelength (between 1200-600Hz) is where the outside tweeters should start playing nice with each other.
Since he is not using low enough crossover points he has created a comb filtering monster. Now while it's not the great point source that was promised, it's no worse than most line arrays and the combing will average itself out given enough listening distance.

The MTM spacing on the other hand is ridiculous. Hopefully he is cutting the top end off on one of those midrange drivers to avoid combing."


"I honestly would rather read a review on the Electron speaker and or the DI monitor speaker,that would be much closer to the DI's"

 I agree with you,lets see a review of these DIs in a stereo mag not some  home theater with all the specs fleshed out.Since we cant hear them without buying them seems that would be the way to go.Could and guessing would make us "30k killer" non believers shut up and go buy them.

I would definitely like to see a comparison of the Electrons and DIs from someone....anybody?
Respectfully, this thread is pathetic.

With over 30 years experience, 65 commercially available designs under my belt... the garnering of many 'product of the year' type loudspeaker awards... many years of compelling professional and amateur reviews and we're still seeing stuff like this pop up on occasion. How sad.

Respectfully, do you really think I'd bring a product to market that contained the showstopping flaws you've accused me of?! It's so sad to see people attempting to trash a product they've never heard nor would ever own. Its irresponsible to trash something being spoken about in a positive light that you don't personally have your hands on.

For the record: the DI loudspeaker is a gamechanger and it's here to stay folks!

Do you want to hear every nuanced detail contained within your favorite tracks, or just some of it, and at the very best with some other brand simply most of it...?! If you want to hear it all that's what we do.

This speaker is linear and accurate, this alone short-circuits the comb-filtering accusations. And yes, it knocks off some very expensive heavyweight loudspeaker models and I've got a pile of documentation that proves this too. 

Listen to the loudspeaker and judge for yourselves. And focus on this... the Tekton DI's have 4 patented design elements that have never before been applied to a loudspeaker and they sound amazing! 

Eric Alexander - audio designer


"For the record: the DI loudspeaker is a gamechanger and it's here to stay folks! "

That's right and only getting better but some folks just won't try them for their various reasons,and that's their loss.

I took a chance with the DI's myself and from the first day I knew I had something special and on the 3rd day I was throwing the boxes and packing away,just happened to be thrash day at my house.

I took a even bigger chance when I bought a ps audio direct stream dac,without ever hearing one,that just like my Linear tube audio gear and First watt amps are going nowhere.
