Journey ending speakers

Listening to to my  stereo last night thinking about what upgrade I may do in the future. May upgrade my CD player or change phono cart or a new arm? But one of the things I will never change is my speakers. My journey has ended with the speakers I have now. Are you like me and have your forever speakers? Oh mine are a set of 30 year old 4 way JBL  Studio Monitors 4345s.
My one-off Tannoy HPD (12" Dual Concentric drivers, ca 1975, custom built crossovers and enclosures), are my forever speakers. They cost in the $5K range to build, with very high quality parts, but I firmly believe I couldn't afford this quality of sound if I were to buy new. I do love them, and will die with them, and hand them down to my children.

Does anyone build custom speakers that sound great? I know Michael Green Audio can do it, semi-custom at least.
Discovered ATC 23 years ago. Only upgraded to the bigger models over the years...absolutely no reason to change even though I keep hoping someone will make better speaker...
ProAc Studio 148s with SEV9 Soundocity Outriggers.  Love the sound and the bang for the buck (about $3200 total).  Don't see myself spending more or getting different ones.
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