Room treatments


i was watching YouTube vids on "the quietest room on earth" and am wondering how I might get close without screwing up the aesthetics/functionality of my room. I made skyline diffusers (24"x24") and they definitely help. I’m going to make a giant one (48"x96") and bass traps next. Anyone have more suggestions? More diffusers? Foam panels? See my profile pic for what I currently have if you want. Suggestions are appreciated!
Just echoe-y. I guess I'm just trying to get the most out of what I have. I can look past traffic and other outside noises but as my system is pretty exceptional (to me) I'm moving toward maximizing the room.
Two areas where I had great success are

1. Behind the listening position I installed an 8ft vinyl blind that dropped down only 15 inches

2. On top of a book case (close to the listening position) placed a layer of 1" foam with a thick layer of vinyl on top

Those two stoppers the bulk of reflections issues I had in that room and were pretty affordable and quite invisible (the blind was behind some drapes

Turns out vinyl is one of the better materials for converting sound into heat
people should definitely work on their listening rooms

walk around clapping your hands and post what you rear - you may need more absorption

also, how close to a rear wall is your listening spot?