There are folks who are into the gear. Some are into the music. Some are into both. A thread like this shows all of us and how we approach things. I'm into both. I audition the heck out of gear continuously. IF I find something that is a game changing upgrade, then I'll bite. I know folks who are into the gear and yes, they change constantly. No need to judge as we all need to satisfy our fix.
Since 95...:
Proac Supertowers heavily modified with internal MIT cabling and updated drivers from the newer Proac line. The crossovers were also upgraded with the highest end audio parts and also modified for the newer drivers (the old ones all rotted out as Proac speaker used to with the foam surrounds).
Paradigm Atoms I think they are in my bedroom for the TV. My daughter now has them.
Vandersteen Treo's for a year or so as I waited to save my money for my new Quatro's.
new Vandersteen Quatro's painted in Audi Havana Black (LOVE the color).
Oh, I also have a small Linn system in the bedroom now so Linn speakers, lol...not my cup of tea, but the price was right and it's easy to use and looks great, lol.
Since 95...:
Proac Supertowers heavily modified with internal MIT cabling and updated drivers from the newer Proac line. The crossovers were also upgraded with the highest end audio parts and also modified for the newer drivers (the old ones all rotted out as Proac speaker used to with the foam surrounds).
Paradigm Atoms I think they are in my bedroom for the TV. My daughter now has them.
Vandersteen Treo's for a year or so as I waited to save my money for my new Quatro's.
new Vandersteen Quatro's painted in Audi Havana Black (LOVE the color).
Oh, I also have a small Linn system in the bedroom now so Linn speakers, lol...not my cup of tea, but the price was right and it's easy to use and looks great, lol.