Journey ending speakers

Listening to to my  stereo last night thinking about what upgrade I may do in the future. May upgrade my CD player or change phono cart or a new arm? But one of the things I will never change is my speakers. My journey has ended with the speakers I have now. Are you like me and have your forever speakers? Oh mine are a set of 30 year old 4 way JBL  Studio Monitors 4345s.
My Classic Audio T3.3 speakers with Field Coil drivers will be my forever speakers for sure. 

I have worked hard through the years and listened/owned some great speakers. Those included Vandersteen 3a, Magnepan MGllla, Magn
apan Tympani IVa, Dunlavy SCV, ESP Concert Grand, Avantgarde Duo 3.2, Edgarhorn Titan II, Living Voice OBX-RW. Some I am forgetting no doubt but this covers most. I know a lot of these are old designs  but the point is they were dynamic, panel, horn, high efficiency etc. I missed out on electrostats.

No speaker can do it all for everyone as each excelled in given areas. A lot also has to do with your soul mating and what you consider "class" amplification.

As I approached retirement I wanted a smaller foot print speaker that was full-range, could be driven easily with tubes, and drew me into the music and did everything that music stands for. 

For me those speakers are the Gamut RS7i which I now own and love dearly.

Speakers are a personal thing as is all the rest in this hobby so enjoy the journey if your wealth allows you to do so.

Vandersteens  good choice , Also try the Totem Sky,JBL 4312 SE ,And take the house down Cerwin Vegas XLS 12
Raidhos have done it for me. Though now I would like to move up within their line :). Luckily, all the models share the same sound, just the scale gets larger and the soundstage gets bigger. While the d series fleshes out more details, I don't think the c series is a slouch.
  Hi Ricpan, nice choice to END with . I'm a long time JBL lover . But I must warn you , stay away from Westlake Speakers . Some years past , I went to a friends house to check out his new mixer . He had purchased a used pair of Westlake BBSM-15's , then rebuilt all the drivers through Orange County Speaker . Made some heavy stands ala Sound Anchor and ran them bi-amped with a pair of Bryston 4BSST's. All I could say was WOW , followed by a song request , then a couple more . We OLD FOLK , tend to revert to our youth and add some upgrades . I have JBL and Klipsch in the Rotation . Been grooving on Zu for the past year . You either Love em or Hate em . Went back to tubes also . Now I'm trying Morrow cables . Anyway , big speakers with big power , yield big air movement ! It's like having a ZZ Top concert in your living room . Anyway sounds nice and I can relate to your taste . If you get bored , try an active crossover and tubes on top . And no matter what people say , you can never have too much power with original JBL's. Happy Listening , Mike.