I've been rolling capacitors too and want some help, I got a handful of capacitors at 10uf from parts express. My speakers are ADS L620 two way with a 10 driver.
Audyn Caps - Very rounded sound, the brightness is turned down, but still very good, very musical overall. Because they are so well rounded it, it did not go well with my sub. The dynamic range is not as aggressive as other set up. If I did not run a sub these would be the first pick.
Jensen - Sounds very similar to stock caps, in retaining the sound profile of the speakers, the highs are crisp and clean. Very lively sounding, very good imaging. This along the sub, sounds amazing.
Dayton - good caps too, retain speaker profile, the bottom is tighter or just more rolled off, seems like they would be great with a subwoofer. Similar to Audyn, but not as warm, it is a much flatter sounding. Lacks imaging and soundstage. Bass is tight and fast. Tonal qualities are poor.
Solen - good tonal characteristics, highs are clean, really great mids, has a very transparent feel to them. They have a really nice sweet spot, that just draws your attention with pieces that stay in that spot. Bass is quick and punchy, but not much extension. Nothing particularly stand out then the overall smoothness. Integrate with the sub very well.
So after that, I stuck with Jensen because they were the cleanest sounding caps, but I think I might like to roll capacitors more than tubes.
The Jensen after extended listening images very well, but I think I developed listening fatigue at higher sound levels and long sessions. I think I attribute to the listening fatigue to the high level of seperation and brightness. I think I want something a bit smoother across frequency and retain realism.
I am tempted to rig my speakers where I can switch caps. Would drilling a small hole in the back of my speaker and leading wires out for cap switching be okay?
Audyn Caps - Very rounded sound, the brightness is turned down, but still very good, very musical overall. Because they are so well rounded it, it did not go well with my sub. The dynamic range is not as aggressive as other set up. If I did not run a sub these would be the first pick.
Jensen - Sounds very similar to stock caps, in retaining the sound profile of the speakers, the highs are crisp and clean. Very lively sounding, very good imaging. This along the sub, sounds amazing.
Dayton - good caps too, retain speaker profile, the bottom is tighter or just more rolled off, seems like they would be great with a subwoofer. Similar to Audyn, but not as warm, it is a much flatter sounding. Lacks imaging and soundstage. Bass is tight and fast. Tonal qualities are poor.
Solen - good tonal characteristics, highs are clean, really great mids, has a very transparent feel to them. They have a really nice sweet spot, that just draws your attention with pieces that stay in that spot. Bass is quick and punchy, but not much extension. Nothing particularly stand out then the overall smoothness. Integrate with the sub very well.
So after that, I stuck with Jensen because they were the cleanest sounding caps, but I think I might like to roll capacitors more than tubes.
The Jensen after extended listening images very well, but I think I developed listening fatigue at higher sound levels and long sessions. I think I attribute to the listening fatigue to the high level of seperation and brightness. I think I want something a bit smoother across frequency and retain realism.
I am tempted to rig my speakers where I can switch caps. Would drilling a small hole in the back of my speaker and leading wires out for cap switching be okay?