Tonearm microphonics

When I have the volume at my normal level & tap the arm (not whilst playing vinyl) it is slightly amplified... Is it possible to significantly reduce/eliminate this?

Current set up - Roksan Xerxes 20plus, Origin Live Encounter tonearm (thin cork ring at the base) with Lyra Skala.

Apologies if this is a stupid question!
Infection what I have done is used some of the plumbers teflon tape and wrapped the arm tube. It improved the sound so I left it. I would try that. If it sounds worse remove it or some of it. 
And Raul is right. It is like a microphone and I wouldn't lose too much sleep, tapping on the arm tube while at rest is no indication of how the arm will sound. In fact generally I have found that the better cartridges  are worse for this as they are more sensitive. I have a VDH Colibri that will pick up a fly walking on the arm tube at rest. It sounds fantastic. Higher compliance carts are worse than low for this but that is the same  feature that makes them so detailed and sound so great. 
Dear @handymann : You are using those subwoofers as bass re-inforcement, your call but is not the way to use it and I can tell you that the gentlemans that gave you that kind of advise were and are totally wrong.

You need high-pass filter  for you can use those subwoofers along the Wilson speakers in the correct way. Till you make that kind of set up you can't know what you could need.

My advise is to do it and stop to think on that room treatment of 15 hz filter that only makes a signal degradations.

The " ball " is in your field.

regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
True story about me supplementing my bass.  The Wilsons put out such good clean sound, I hate to roll them off, besides, I'd have to get an active crossover to roll the lows off @ 80hz.  Maybe I will try it.  If I installed a filter, that only cut 15hz and below, that wouldn't degrade my sound.  I realize we feel some bass we can't hear, but 16hz is low enough for me.  I have a Bag End sub that they say goes down to 8hz and the walls shake, as well as other things, before you ever "hear" any sound.  I had it in a Home Theater system, but it's just sitting in the spare bedroom right now.  I will continue to experiment with sub placement and frequency adjustments.  Thanks for taking the time to respond.  If you have any other suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me.
Watch out for those termites! ;)
Studies have shown that termites eat your house twice as fast if you play them some Black Sabbath.... :) :)

BTW Handymann, I agree those MAXX2s of yours are glorious loudspeakers when working solo. I wouldn't be unhappy with them at all. 
Just leave the termites to their devices.
 (Pest controllers say that you can hear termites munching inside the walls. Do they mean one termite or a concerted symphonic throng? Apparently soldier termites can also be heard banging their heads off the walls. Now those guys MUST be Black Sabbath fans... ;) :)
Best regards!