Is Classe AUdio no longer???

Just read this article:

Wonder what the hell is going on?



I don't give a snap about political structure of one or another nation or land, however, I do not refuse purchasing items from ordinary China dwellers that try to make living.

I also support the fact that they make some fake US gear on their territory (obviously as result of outsourcing) and sell it. I do not wage it as fault or crime of Chinese dwellers, but rather pure responsibility of manufacturer simply facing the circumstances of using slave labor to save on expenses.

Astronomic quantities of purchased newly introduced Chinese made Dr Dre head cans made some of my good living nearly decade ago.

When david rich left. That
Was it.   All she wrote. Today There are a lot of audio companys. Working today
With a big name.  But the main man is gone.   
To  Dlcockrum. South Korea Thinks so much different then china.  I might think about buying a H100L Or A10. But never the Aries  model. 
But i live in the USA and know the type of foods & electrons  china ships to us.  But I would not drive a KIA  around 

I appreciate that opinion tooblue and thank you for the offer to help crane lift my amp to the car. May well take you up on it. ;)

My take is most of the world outside North America basically falls into four categories: those that want what we have and are determined to make it happen (Asia for example), those that despise us because of their dependency on us due to their own perpetual irresponsible behavior (much of Europe), those that want to kill us (you know who they are), and those that are victimized by centuries of endless poverty and famine, bless their hearts. This does not always or even usually apply to individuals IME, only governments, political movements, etc. and the zealots that control them.

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