Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
I read an interview where the amp manufacturer said they hoped to sell 10-12 amps worldwide over a 3-4 year period for their statement power amp 
So, ebm...I need a roof on my house and was quoted $15,000. Want to save a little money on that power cord you can afford? Just kidding. Signed, Broke in Florida.
No more silly then $500 interconnects - that is if you regard anything above 90% silly as just being plain silly and if you don't draw a distinction between silly and super silly.