Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  

Springs! Obviously the springs need to be on outriggers (and elegant looking ones they are) for things that are top heavy, you know, like the speakers in the video.

geoff kait
give me a stiff enough spring and I’ll isolate the world
Geoffkait, I’ve always considered your comments to be balanced, informative and fair, so I would ask that you TRY the Townshends before commenting on what they "seem like." It is POSSIBLE that your springs come close to or, Max Townshend forbid (!), equal them. But you know as well as I do that people commenting on what they have not heard fits Ivor Tiefenbrun’s dictum: "If you haven’t heard it, you don’t have an opinion." It’s dismaying how many ignorant comments there are about things people have never even seen, much less heard (and I’m not including you in that statement, since I’ve rarely disagreed with what you’ve written. And I can’t dispute what you say here, since I haven’t heard your springs, and you haven’t heard the Townshends). Just keep an open mind, please.
Incidentally, the 4 Townshend Isolation pods arrived. I put them under the NAD integrated and...hmmm, couldn’t hear the improvement. Needless to say, I disagree with Mr. Levi of Positive Feedback: "Use 3 or 4 Pods anywhere under your gear... it is not critical at all." Well, I put them "anywhere"...and got nowhere.

But then, I’ve bought things other writers (mostly HP) praised to the skies - and learned - AFTER I spent the money ("a fool and his money....") that it was never mentioned in the review that the component was "lean-sounding" or, as in the case of the Seismic sinks (which I had 3 of the originals, but thought they did nothing for my system!) that due to the uneven weight of components, that the sinks would not make your system sound better if you didn’t fill one bladder just a little less than other bladders, and that you didn’t want to pump it up fully, or you would get a "grey" sound. (I still have one of these sitting in the living room, as we speak, trying to figure out how to pump it up: lost the original pump. And now that I have the 20-years-later-and-technologically-superior Seismic platform, I’m itching to compare.)

Now, I could’ve let this slide and not posted yet. But it reminds me of those I mentioned in other posts, who buy something, shove it somewhere and then write, "it did nothing." I could say the same thing here, based on my immediate reaction. Hey, I'm not immune to carelessness in audio: it's just that I don't go by my initial impression. But what I will do is position them more carefully (didn’t have time to do it today, and anyway, I thought, (carelessly, it now appears), "Hell, this should elevate the system to sainthood!") It barely elevated the NAD, other than that it’s 4" higher off the platform it was sitting on. And the NAD was previously supported by Stillpoints Ultra Mini Risers. Seeing that the witching hour is approaching (it’s actually 3 a.m. for you non-witches, NOT midnight), the experiment will have to wait until later this morning. I have a few spells to cast: getting dicey out there in the world.

But shoving the pods under the NAD and not being elated? It’s a lesson in how even expectations based on previous experience with the same manufacturer can sometimes lead us down the wrong path. And how sometimes, it takes work - even with inanimate objects - to get things right. Feng Shui, anyone?
Gbmcleod, My very first iso device beat the SeIsmic Sink twenty years ago and I’m pretty sure I can beat the Seismic pods today. Sometimes you can tell a book by looking at the cover.
was just standing near my system, had glass of water, stubbed my toes. water spilled - sure happy I had those power cords and cables up on small wood blocks...