Thanks for your post. I use a Lyngdorf 2170. Seems some 35 watts max. It is Class D. The real issue is better stated as a lack of full bodied sound and a leaning out of the music....detailed for sure, but thin. After about 40 hours it is still too thin sounding for my liking. I like the improved resolution and detail, but not the way it is being done. By that I mean the details are more obvious because the meat is missing from the bones. I did read of another person experiencing the same thinness out of the box. I wonder how much of this is the sound of the hard wired cable vs the electronics? Well the only electronics inside is a transformer. I do think the cord plays a role in tonal personality.
I say this because initially I hooked it up this way;
Shunyata Hydra 2 - CPT 150 - Lyngdorf
This was too thin sounding.
I then did this,
CPT 150 - Hydra 2 - to Lyngdorf
Still a little thin, but better for sure. I like the Furutech powercord going from the Hydra 2 to my Lyngdorf. I bet it is a more full bodied cable. I noticed this when I first purchased the Furutech power cable.
The 150 straight into the Lyngdorf was far too thin sounding and whitewashed.
I will I’ll give it more time. Thus far the Hydra by itself is best. I did email Lyngdorf to confirm watt usage at full volume.
I say this because initially I hooked it up this way;
Shunyata Hydra 2 - CPT 150 - Lyngdorf
This was too thin sounding.
I then did this,
CPT 150 - Hydra 2 - to Lyngdorf
Still a little thin, but better for sure. I like the Furutech powercord going from the Hydra 2 to my Lyngdorf. I bet it is a more full bodied cable. I noticed this when I first purchased the Furutech power cable.
The 150 straight into the Lyngdorf was far too thin sounding and whitewashed.
I will I’ll give it more time. Thus far the Hydra by itself is best. I did email Lyngdorf to confirm watt usage at full volume.