Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......

Thanks for your post. I use a Lyngdorf 2170. Seems some 35 watts max. It is Class D. The real issue is better stated as a lack of full bodied sound and a leaning out of the music....detailed for sure, but thin. After about 40 hours it is still too thin sounding for my liking. I like the improved resolution and detail, but not the way it is being done. By that I mean the details are more obvious because the meat is missing from the bones. I did read of another person experiencing the same thinness out of the box. I wonder how much of this is the sound of the hard wired cable vs the electronics? Well the only electronics inside is a transformer.  I do think the cord plays a role in tonal personality.  

I say this because initially I hooked it up this way;

Shunyata Hydra 2 - CPT 150 - Lyngdorf

This was too thin sounding.

I then did this,

CPT 150 - Hydra 2 - to Lyngdorf

Still a little thin, but better for sure. I like the Furutech powercord going from the Hydra 2 to my Lyngdorf. I bet it is a more full bodied cable. I noticed this when I first purchased the Furutech power cable.

The 150 straight into the Lyngdorf was far too thin sounding and whitewashed.

I will I’ll give it more time. Thus far the Hydra by itself is best. I did email Lyngdorf to confirm watt usage at full volume.
This is a sleepy thread and I wonder if owners are still happy with CPT? Still have them? Sold them?

I imagine you all still have them and are very happy. Well my little 150 has changed personalities over the past day. It changed for the better in such a dramatic way that I decided to place my Hydra 2 in front of it and have the 150 feed my Modified Lyndorf 2170.

Ok now I am hearing some very special things. Spooky imaging with instruments in a wide and deep stage. Powerful and more articulate bass. I am hearing details never before noticed on my favorite recordings.

The stage depth is something that must be mentioned. So deep as to give the performance a life like 3D image.

I looked inside the unit, as I am an avid DIY modifier, and just had to look. 🙂 Just a breaker and transformer. That’s it. Amazing what this simple device does for an already dialed in system.

The body and weight is now there, but now with everything mentioned above. I will end with this. I have tinnitus and must be careful with volume as I am very sensitive to upper mids and highs. This little transformer enables me to turn up the volume without setting my ears off. I also like to listen at moderate volume levels of say 75db and the clarity and "thereness" of the music is wonderful.

Great unit. Simple design that just plain sounds great. My experience is these units do take some time to sound as they should. Enjoy!

grannyring, thanks for the update.
I wonder what the 150 (etc) would sound like with Blue (Furutech) power cords attached?
I thought about it, however, decieded not to mess with it.
Ha!  We think alike. Funny you said that as I am going to do that and a couple of other mods. Constrained layer damping of chassis, ERS tape in critical areas and brass bolt with wood top ring for tranny clamp losing the top metal plate.

I will use Star Sound Audiopoints footers also.

Great unit.
I too dampened the chasis with dnyamat and swapped the outlets for furutech rhodium , and think it sounds even better.  Expectation bias? Will try grannyrings idea of changing the metal clamping plate. Thanks for the idea!