Sonic Tonic fom the Tweek Geek

Well here is another great tweak that I recommend. Its called, "Sonic Tonic". By the Tweek Geek.

Sonic Tonic consists of a set of 4 bottles and will cost you $99 but boy do you get your money’s worth.
I placed the first 4 bottles on the power cords IEC ends on my PS Audio Dac, Bryston BDP-2, BSG QOL, and my DEQX Preamp. And then listened...
What I heard was a clearer soundstage, with improved vocals, deeper bass and increased dynamics.

I even tried them on my Video equipment; Samsung 85" UHD, Dish equipment, Oppo 205 and found an increased resolution that really made Tara Reid’s wrinkles pop in " Sharknado 5" !

I ended up buying a total of 20 of these bottles and now have them everywhere including on my Tube Amps and my Subs.
With a return guarantee you guys need to give these a try.


OMG! Whoa! Hey! They stole the name of my Dark Matter product, too. For their Dark Energy cables. What in the wide world of sports is a-going on here?!
They say it took a few months to develop Sonic Tonic in one breath. In the next breath they say it was a journey of 10 years. Huh! They say the liquid in the bottles reacts to RFI/EMI, producing a new beneficial thing. What would that new thing be, anti matter? 😳

Thank you for bringing this thread back to the intent.
At this point, I don't know what is inside. I think the top of the bottles are glued shut. Shaking the bottle does not indicate any rattle or liquid moving. So, my guess it is in some form of putty.

Thanks for the reply.

Sure thing. Thanks for the answer! How would you compare them to the Bybee QSEs?