How do you determine how much to spend on speakers

Hello all,

I am just starting out in this HI-FI stuff and have a pretty modest budget (prospectively about 5K) for all. Any suggestions as to how funds should be distributed. At this stage, I have no interest in any analog components. Most notably, whether or not it is favorable to splurge on speakers and settle for less expensive components and upgrade later, or set a target price range and stick to it.

To anybody that suggested Audibile differences can't be detected at the price points listed for digital frontends are wrong in my very humble opinion.

John Wright of museatex heavily moddified my Melior DAC, and the differences were huge. The problem with hearing digital differences is patience. Everybody wants instant results. The same people that can't hear differences in interconnects and speaker wire probably don't hear many differences in CDPs or digital front ends. They want instant change. They want to go from hearing RED to hearing BLACK within seconds.

I had been using a NAD 541i CDP and I hooked up the Meilor DAC (using the NAD as a transport) with a Moray James interconnect and a Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Platinum cable. At first there were differences but they were small, or so I thought. After 6 days I hooked up my NAD again and listened. I was disgusted. What I thought was a decent CDP sounded horribly 2-D stale and flat in comparison. These differences were not leaping out in front of me within the first 5mins of listening. After a week of listening to the DAC I heard differences that weren't subtle upon going back to the NAD. The Museatex gave me what the NAD did and didn't take anything away but simply added. Speakers can both add and subtract from other speakers, making the differences more striking.

I think part of the problem stems because speakers can be subjective and people can hear instant change. I sincerly doubt a person could spend $5k on a CDP/dac combo and "hate" its sonic signiture. Generally the more money spent on a CDP will allow you a better overall sound. Likewise, I have listened to speakers costing $5k that I hated. Speakers might be more subjective and might change the sound of music more, but don't disregard the frontend.

The kind of improvements take time, but when you hear them its all worth while. If you had to take away one thing from my system I can tell you right now, the DAC and digital interconnect would be the last thing you could get your paws on. I'd be content listening to this setup on cheaper speakers then a cheaper source. I can live with a system living up to its potential. Having more expensive speakers not coming close to what they could sound like would drive me insane, or kill me.

Get a used pair of Infinity Intermezzo 2.6's with stands and a matching Intermezzo 1.2 subwoofer. I saw a guy on Audiogon offering these for $1,250 obo. These are rated Class 'A' by most audiophile magazines in the world.

The Intermezzos have built-in 250W bass amps, so they're easy to drive, and they sound splendid with vacuum-tube electronics, which is the only way to go. Also, you won't have to spend much money on room acoustical treatments, because you can tune their low frequency response to suit your listening room.

Buy the Prima Luna Prologue Two integrated amplifier and the AH! Supertjoeb 4000 from Upscale Audio for circa $1,345 and $1,250, respectively. Buy the P.S. Audio UPS 200 line conditioner for $500.

Now you've got $655 left for cables. For an interconnect, look to D.H. Labs Revelation or Nordost Blue Heaven. For speakers cables get Nordost Blue Heaven with gold-plated Z-clip bananas (I've seen many used Nordost Blue Heavens on Audiogon.) And get your power cables from Frank at Signal Cable.

You'll have just enough left to take your Sweetie for a hot fudge sundae.

Good luck,
A good rule of thumb would be 10 to 15 percent of your net worth. At least. Maybe more.

IMHO there is no set point as to what to spend on what. With 5K to spend. You can put together a sweet system SS or tubes. There are a few speakers in the 750-1500 (DynAudio) range that would easlilly foot the bill. That leaves 3500-4250 for an Integrated, a Digital front end and cables. Let your ears choose.

If I were to suggest a system in your budget:

Musical Fidelity X-80 or X-150 Integrated $1000.00
Musical Fidelity X-RAY CDP $1000.00
B&W Signature 805 $2500.00 (Maby less with the 805S out)
Synergistic Research Alpha Active IC 1M $200.00
Synergistic Research Signature 10 Active 10' is $800.00

Ok I am over by 500.00 but I am a firm believer in cables and that does not include stands.
