There will be a big Lampi Product launch(es) in Suncoast Audio- Sarasota, Fl on Sat Oct14.
The New Lampi Pacific Dac with Active Triode loading, completely redesigned power supply system with 4 tubes supporting them, and completely overspecified power. Physically, I hear the Dac will be double the GG size and will be waaay more dynamic (if you can imagine that). Best guess for the price for the SE basic version is about $22K.
In addition, the recently released Lampi SuperKomputer2 will be feeding the beast. It too has completely redesigned power (took a year to complete, I am told) and no parts are commercially available, all proprietary. Fanless, with ultra-light Lampi mobo embedded Linux and roon supplied engine. I suspect US price will be circa $8.5K, given confirmed EU price of €7K pre-VAT. Audiophile Bill in the UK is testing it now and is in love. He told me he will buy it for sure. Wish I had the spare moolah, as he had me salivating...