Old Krell vs new Krell amps...

I actually have to choose between differents Krell amps, for roughly the same price :
a pair of Krell Audio Standard (KAS)
a Krell Evo 302
and for half the price a pair of KAS-2 amps

How do they compare, in terms of sound ?
The KAS is a legend, but is it actually still a good choice ? Its fiability is good ? The KAS is really better than the KAS-2 ?
And, what about the new Evo amps ? Are they better than the KAS or the FPB amps ?
My speakers are easy to drive : Tannoy GRF, but I may swap to big TAD or JBL...
I can't compare those amps directly because they are sold in different(and very far from each others) shops.
Thanks a lot for all informations and advices.
Best Regards,
your welcome Cciano, Steven is a very,very good technician, like I said, He trained Ray muchler, the current service manager at krell, LOL!, He owns a kps-25sc I joked about wanting to buy from him, He will never sale it, I was not serious, He was about keeping it, The man loves vintage krell equipment, I believe you are in good hands, please keep me posted here, or you can E-mail me through audiogon mail, thankyou for your reply, also, If you can help me, post a post about anything on the cable thread I started, called, Tara labs cables, I want to keep the thread going, there is no specific topic criteria, I call it the peoples thread, Talk about any thing, I want to learn from you, If I see you make the thread, I can ask you questions that are not related to one topic there, cheers.
Cciano, Have you decided to use the service department home?, what has happened since we last spoke here.