As others have stated, the best conditioner for an amp is no conditioner. I don't like to plug my amp directly into the wall due to the power outages where I live, so I use a strip which does not limit power draw.
I've done a lot of research and testing of passive power conditioners (about $500 and under), and even though they state they are non-power-limiting, I have noticed an effect on sonics of the amp (loss of dynamics, change in soundstaging). I'm not quite sure, but I think the Brickwall or Richard Gray allow the amp to operate unrestricted; these are heavy duty surge protectors with filtering. I use a Brickwall and a Blue Circle conditioner for my upstream components. The Blue Circle produces a very low noise floor, but killed the dynamics of my amp (even though it states "non-current-limiting").
Have you used the archives? I like PS Audio products and a search in the archives may provide an answer as to whether or not users are using amplifiers in your list of conditioners. For example...