vpi, the VDH MC1 was my first "serious" cartridge purchased more years ago than seems possible. It came back to me upgraded to "Special" status (free of charge) after its third (!) trip back to the Nederlands for retipping. Always liked that cartridge and still do and I agree with your description of its sound relative to Lyra’s. What you describe as "upfront" I hear as simply the fact that it produces individual images which are larger than what I experienced with the two Lyras that I have had and in a generally smaller soundstage. Loved its realistically full midrange tonal balance.
I have done a lot of back and forth with my aluminum and magnesium wands and have come to the conclusion that, theoretical or technical "best" considerations aside, which wand is best is very system and taste dependent. I much preferred the magnesium wand with that cartridge as I found that the aluminum wand tended to take the sound still more in the direction of larger individual images in a smaller soundstage than the magnesium which offered better defined and slightly smaller individual images in a broader soundstage. The magnesium also tended to give a better tonal balance. The aluminum, to my ears, had an overall darker midrange but with more prominent upper frequencies and a slight sense of discontinuity between the two. Again... in my system. Just some possible food for thought. Btw, not as precarious as it may seem if one is careful, but try removing the shell off of the cartridge. Easy to do and the improvement in sound is not subtle. Regards.