I just got off the phone with Pete and as stated above it was in fact a 3930. We never actually carried through with 3930 because Petes order taught us that Denon had gone to a chip architecture in that section making the full mod impossible. This was the experience that taught me to not agree to do mods based on the former "house" architecture of any given manufacturer. Tough lesson learned. If I was Pete in this situation I would be upset as well. I was depending on a digital genius that I remember now was very slow because he was always backed up with orders. So I wasted Petes time by sending the mod to the best Denon tech in the USA. That certainly didnt work as planned. All of these things were rookie mistakes and I gave my best effort at that time. Again, it was a tough lesson learned. Pete has been offered further compensation as a result.
@2340, It sounds like I did whatever it took to compensate you, if you feel you weren't treated fairly, please contact me.
@2340, It sounds like I did whatever it took to compensate you, if you feel you weren't treated fairly, please contact me.